Mohanty Gargiulo LLC is committed to providing a comprehensive range of services that best meets the needs and objectives of our clients. Among our current clients are large municipal issuers, including state and city governments and governmental agencies.
Hedging Advisory
- Evaluation of clients’ hedging needs and hedging transactions
- Review of proposed transactions
- Identification of alternatives
- Proactive generation of ideas
- Transaction execution of interest rates and commodity derivatives
- Pricing negotiations with dealers/derivatives providers
- Organizing competitive bids
- Identification of qualified derivatives providers
- ISDA documents negotiations
- Post-trade support: resets and payment verifications, transaction reporting
Dodd-Frank Compliance
- Assistance with navigating Dodd-Frank derivatives regulations
- Obtaining Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
- ISDA Protocols
- Bilateral Agreements
- Mohanty Gargiulo LLC can serve as a Qualified Independent Representative (QIR)
- Mohanty Gargiulo LLC is a registered Municipal Advisor with the SEC and MSRB and can serve as Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (IRMA)
Derivatives Portfolio Risk Management & Reporting
- Comprehensive evaluation of risks in derivatives portfolio
- Custom risk-reporting for various constituents: finance staff, board, etc.
- Risk monitoring and key events alerts
- Mark-to-market valuations
GASB/FASB Derivatives Accounting
- Mark-to-market and fair-value valuations
- Hedge accounting effectiveness testing for derivatives transactions
Capital Markets Solutions
- Evaluation of floating-rate financing alternatives
- Advice and assistance on pricing and procurement of credit/liquidity facilities and direct placements
- Structured products financing (Total Return Swaps)
- Bond analysis – market analyses, secondary trading spreads, bond options valuations
Expert Witnessing, Market Intelligence and Education
- Mohanty Gargiulo LLC has served as expert witness in connections with derivatives transactions and re-investment contracts
- Staff and board derivatives educational sessions
- Market intelligence and analyses
Hedging Advisory
- Evaluation of clients’ hedging needs and hedging transactions
- Review of proposed transactions
- Identification of alternatives
- Proactive generation of ideas
- Transaction execution of interest rates and commodity derivatives
- Pricing negotiations with dealers/derivatives providers
- Organizing competitive bids
- Identification of qualified derivatives providers
- ISDA documents negotiations
- Post-trade support: resets and payment verifications, transaction reporting
Derivatives Portfolio Risk Management & Reporting
- Comprehensive evaluation of risks in derivatives portfolio
- Custom risk-reporting for various constituents: finance staff, board, etc.
- Risk monitoring and key events alerts
- Mark-to-market valuations
Capital Markets Solutions
- Evaluation of floating-rate financing alternatives
- Advice and assistance on pricing and procurement of credit/liquidity facilities and direct placements
- Structured products financing (Total Return Swaps)
- Bond analysis – market analyses, secondary trading spreads, bond options valuations
Dodd-Frank Compliance
- Assistance with navigating Dodd-Frank derivatives regulations
- Obtaining Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
- ISDA Protocols
- Bilateral Agreements
- Mohanty Gargiulo LLC can serve as a Qualified Independent Representative (QIR)
- Mohanty Gargiulo LLC is a registered Municipal Advisor with the SEC and MSRB and can serve as Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (IRMA)
GASB/FASB Derivatives Accounting
- Mark-to-market and fair-value valuations
- Hedge accounting effectiveness testing for derivatives transactions
Expert Witnessing, Market Intelligence and Education
- Mohanty Gargiulo LLC has served as expert witness in connections with derivatives transactions and re-investment contracts
- Staff and board derivatives educational sessions
- Market intelligence and analyses
Ready to find out more?
Contact us for a consultation